Τίτλος έργου: ‘Excellence hub in green technologies: Introducing innovation ecosystems in the Mediterranean food value chain . EXCEL4ME
‘The FoOd induStry of the digiTal Era: new practices in tRaining and skills development though Extended Reality (xR) . FOSTER-xR , Grant Agreement number 2020-1-MT01-KA203-074234
Τίτλος έργου: ‘The FoOd induStry of the digiTal Era: new practices in tRaining and skills development though Extended Reality (xR) . FO
“Digital Technologies as an enabler for a continuous transformation of food safety system” DiTECT – H2020- SFS-37-2019 – 861915-2 Duration 11/2020-10/2023
Website: https://ditect.eu/ Abstract DiTECT will develop an integrated framework for real-time detection, assessment, and mitigation o
“Digital Technologies as an enabler for a continuous transformation of food safety system” DiTECT – H2020- SFS-37-2019 – 861915-2
Τίτλος έργου: “Digital Technologies as an enabler for a continuous transformation of food safety system” DiTECT – H2020- SFS-37-2019
“Digital Technologies as an enabler for a continuous transformation of food safety system” DiTECT – H2020- SFS-37-2019 – 861915-2
Τίτλος έργου: “Digital Technologies as an enabler for a continuous transformation of food safety system” DiTECT – H2020- SFS-37-2019
Ecological, Biological, Silviculture and Economical Management for Optimization of Chestnut Wood and Alimentary Production within a Sustainable Development Frame QLK5-CT-2001-00029
Τίτλος έργου: Ecological, Biological, Silviculture and Economical Management for Optimization of Chestnut Wood and Alimentary Production wi
«Management and Conservation of Grapevine Genetic Resources» (008 AGRI.GEN-RES 870/2004)
Τίτλος έργου: «Management and Conservation of Grapevine Genetic Resources» (008 AGRI.GEN-RES 870/2004). Υπεύθυνος έργου
« Strategies to improve and protect soil quality from the disposal of olive oil mills wastes in Mediterranean region Πρόγραμμα PROSODOL-LIFE (E.E. 2009-2011) »
Τίτλος έργου: « Strategies to improve and protect soil quality from the disposal of olive oil mills wastes in Mediterranean region Πρό
“Scientific synergism of nano-bio-info-cogni Science for an Integrated system to monitor meat quality and safety during production, storage and distribution in the EU –SYMBIOSIS-EU”
Τίτλος έργου: “Scientific synergism of nano-bio-info-cogni Science for an Integrated system to monitor meat quality and safety during pro
«Table olive fermentation with selected strains of probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Towards a new functional food». (PROBIOLIVES FP7-SME-2008-243471)
Τίτλος έργου: «Table olive fermentation with selected strains of probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Towards a new functional food